Thursday, September 4, 2008

Short and Sweet

I truly lucked out this semester with scheduling my classes...Our shipboard schedule alternates A day and B day classes every other day, and lo and behold Mason only has A day classes.  That being said, I’ve got the next two days off then 5 days in Brazil before I head back to the classroom.  Gotta love SAS? Two days off you say?...Tomorrow is Neptune Day as we are only 1 degree North of the equator, so we must pay proper homage to Neptune.  Also, Saturday is for B classes only and we arrive in Salvador 700 hours on Sunday morning!  I’ve met a few people who are hoping to plan an independent trip to Rio, I’ll let you know how everything goes after my adventures.  Continue to pray for safety on the ship and good decision making for the rest of these scurvy dogs, I mean students...Anywhoo, after a full week of classes, I’m into a working routine and can’t wait for the adventures that lie ahead.  “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit” Galations 5:25



Anonymous said...

DUDE! dang you're like ... away :( classes here are the same as always ... i'll email you with details. sounds like you're having a great time though! don't forget us here at APU when you return. have fun!!

ps - J.P. haha

Laurie said...

You did luck out with your schedule, didn't you? Plenty of time to learn Portuguese now! Enjoy Brazil. Prayers for you and your "scurvy dogs".

Amy Schroder said...

Hey mister. We're having fun watching your little boat move across the map. Sounds like you're having a great time. Can't wait to hear about Brazil. I've put your schedule on my calendar so I can follow you around the world. We both miss and love you! YWSM

Anonymous said...

Wow! You do have a way of landing on your feet! Wonderful schedule, Mason! Thinking of you as you get close to your first port and the adventures that await. Remember the buddy system and know you are loved. Have fun! MC