Saturday, August 30, 2008

Update For Y'all On The Mainland

So I just figured out how to post blogs up here WITHOUT using up my internet minutes! (hopefully this is as exciting for you as it is for me).  Anyhow, things are going well so far.  We had a full day of orientation today including class schedules, field program information, activities clubs, and some necessary safety tid-bits.  I am now very familiar with the ship and navigating the various decks and halls.  We are currently en route to San Juan, Puerto Rico to refuel the ship but unfortunately will not have an opportunity to get off.  O well, in another 7 days I'll be in Brazil!  Classes begin tomorrow, so I am greatly looking forward to meeting my professors and gaining a perspective for what this semester will look like academically.  I'm meeting all kinds of people from all over the country, though many of them are fellow Californians.  I'm not feeling sea-sick (and hopefully won't), but definitely feel the ship moving beneath me.  My friend Benson and I (Also a Californian, from Palos Verdes in fact ;-) were commenting on how hard it is to walk straight as it is, just imagine the kids who drink!  There are certain familiarities I am excited to learn to live without for this extended period of time including cell phones and unlimited internet minutes.  And, though it will be tough for the next few weeks to go without people who truly know me and appreciate me for who they've known me to be, I am excited to be stretched both in my ability to represent myself and to represent my God.  Thank you for all the feedback so far, I really appreciate all the little comments from those reading.  Though blogging is very therapeutic, its nice to know there's an audience somewhere;-)  Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts, I'll be keepin you posted!



Anonymous said...

So exciting to hear your words! We are celebrating your trip and this experience for you. I am so glad you can do this from the ship!! More later. Sending my love and a huge hug! Glad you are meeting friends and learing to walk :) MC

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mason! Congratulations on being out at sea. I remember the excitement. I am sure you'll have a full 7 days as you sail to Brazil and when you get back on land, you and Benson will marvel at how weird it is to walk someplace that isn't undulating. Have fun!

Laurie said...

Mason, hope you are practicing your Portuguese for your first stop along the way! Hugs ...

Unknown said...

Hey Mason have a great time out there at sea i'm very excited for you and from the way you are talking about your experiences so far i can tell your heart is completely open to being stretched in whatever ways. I will be praying for wisdom disrenment and patients while you are out there, once again have a blast and can't wait to talk to you when you get back.
